Are you considering BOTOX® Cosmetic treatment in Appleton or Green Bay? Wisconsin Institute of Plastic Surgery is here to help you achieve your aesthetic goals for a rejuvenated, youthful appearance. Our experienced team offers BOTOX injections to enhance your natural beauty. Discover all you need to know about BOTOX and how it can transform your look.

About BOTOX Cosmetic

BOTOX Cosmetic is a popular non-surgical treatment that effectively reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines while providing a more refreshed and youthful look. This injectable derives from botulinum toxin, a naturally occurring protein, and works by relaxing the muscles responsible for creating these facial wrinkles.

How Does BOTOX Work?

BOTOX Cosmetic targets the root cause of wrinkles: muscle contractions. By injecting tiny amounts of BOTOX into specific facial muscles, our skilled practitioners temporarily block nerve signals, preventing muscle contractions that lead to wrinkles. As a result, your skin appears smoother and more youthful.


  • How Long Does BOTOX Cosmetic Treatment Take?

    BOTOX treatment is quick, usually taking only 10-15 minutes, making it ideal for a lunch break appointment or a convenient stop.

  • How Many Injections Will I Need?

    The number of injections required depends on your specific needs and the areas you wish to treat. Our experienced practitioners will develop a personalized treatment plan during your consultation.

  • What Should I Do in Preparation of My Botox Injection Session?

    Preparing for your BOTOX session is easy. You should avoid blood-thinning medications and alcohol in the days leading up to your appointment.

  • Does It Hurt?

    Most patients describe BOTOX injections as tolerable, feeling like a quick pinch. However, if you have concerns about discomfort, we can discuss pain management options during your consultation.

  • How Long Is the Recovery After BOTOX Treatment?

    One of the advantages of BOTOX is the minimal to no downtime. You can resume your daily activities immediately after the procedure. You may experience minor bruising or swelling, but these usually subside within a few days.

  • Will I See Results Quickly?

    You will notice improvements in your appearance within a few days after the treatment. The full effects of BOTOX typically become evident within 1-2 weeks.

  • How Long Does BOTOX Last?

    BOTOX results are not permanent, but they are long-lasting. You can expect the benefits to endure for about 3-6 months. We recommend follow-up treatments to maintain a refreshed appearance.

  • Is There a BOTOX Treatment for Men?

    Absolutely! BOTOX is not exclusive to women. Men can benefit from BOTOX treatments as well. It’s a fantastic way to reduce wrinkles and lines to maintain a youthful appearance.

Unlock Your Timeless Beauty with BOTOX

If you are ready to experience the remarkable results of BOTOX Cosmetic, the Wisconsin Institute of Plastic Surgery in Appleton and Green Bay is your trusted partner for high-quality skin care. Our skilled team is here to help you look and feel your best, and we are just a phone call away. Reach out to us today and discover the transformation BOTOX can bring to your life, and let us start your journey to a more youthful, confident you.